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The Gateway Learning Community

The Gateway Learning Community

Admissions [Reception - Year 6]

Welcome to the Tilbury Pioneer Academy Admissions information page. Our full policy, with details of our admissions criteria, can be downloaded from further down the page. 

GLC Primary Admissions Officer Contact Details: 

Name: Kathryn Luckin Email:


View our academy video for an insight to life at Tilbury Pioneer Academy.

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Admission to Years 1-6 [and mid-year Reception]

All applications to Gateway Primary Free School, Herringham Primary Academy, Lansdowne Primary Academy and Tilbury Pioneer academy [other than Reception starters in September] will be administered centrally by The Gateway Learning Community.

Year group

Date of birth from:

  Date of birth to:


1 September 2019

31 August 2020

Year 1

1 September 2018

31 August 2019

Year 2

1 September 2017

31 August 2018

Year 3

1 September 2016

31 August 2017

Year 4

1 September 2015

31 August 2016

Year 5

1 September 2014

31 August 2015

Year 6

1 September 2013

31 August 2014

Please open and complete our admissions form in full. Be sure to click submit when complete.

Please note:

  • That we will not be able to consider any application that is not completed in full;
  • The admission deadlines and admission entry point towards the end of the policy;
  • That we will maintain a waiting list for each year group that is currently full.

Our admissions policy can be viewed at the bottom of the page.

If you wish to apply for any Thurrock Primary school that is not part of the Gateway Learning Community you must complete a Thurrock school admissions form.  Further information on how to apply can be located by clicking on the website link:

Applying for a secondary school place at the Gateway Academy

For places in Years 8-11 [and mid-year Year 7] you must apply directly to the Gateway Academy, you can find out more detail here

Reception Foundation Stage: September 2024

To apply to start Reception in September applications must be submitted directly to Thurrock Council Education Department.

Click on the link below to apply from 1 November 2023 – closing date is 15 January 2024.  Applications received after the closing date are treated as late applications.  This means there will be far less chance of your child being offered a place at the school you want.

The key dates are below:

Reception Key Dates


1 November 2024

Local Authority Online Application Website Open

15 January 2025

Online closing date for Application Forms

16 April 2025

Local Authority informs Parents/Carers of allocated school

30 April 2025

Acceptance of place deadline

15 May 2025

Deadline for appeals to be made in writing to the Academy

2 July 2025

Appeals to be heard